So I just got back from seeing KISS with my best friend, Holly at the Coliseum inside Caesar's Palace Casino-Windsor. In one word...awesome! From the opening of Deuce to the closing of Detroit Rock City (thank God no Shandi) it was a rock'n'roll clinic.
Before I begin, I must speak on the whole "it's not really KISS without Ace Frehley and Peter Criss," stuff. Look, I agree that Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer perhaps should have donned new make-up and created new "characters," but it was a great show regardless. It had all the same elements that has made the KISS Army grow in the millions world-wide. Paul Stanley did his dancing around, Gene Simmons did his fire-breathing and blood-spitting, Thayer had a great solo (with rockets out of his guitar and all) and Singer impressed me with his 5-minute drum solo during 100,000 Years. So screw all that! It was unforgettable, at least to me.
We got there with about half an hour to go (we thought we were in danger of being tardy, but alas, like most concerts, it started a bit late) So we sat down, looked around and took in the ambiance of the 5,000-seat auditorium. It was the first time I had been to this venue and it was impressive. It was not very big, but just enough to be intimate. It was only then that I realized I hadn't gotten my souvenir shirt yet. I hummed and I hawed about whether I would have enough time to grab one before the show started. I decided that I had to go for it. I was hoping that the line would not be too bad and that it wouldn't prevent me from missing the start of the show. You can't miss that! It's one of the best parts. Well, it was all wicked, so that's neither here nor there.
Anyways, I got to the line and thankfully there weren't that many people there. I found the smallest gathering I could, which was about four or five people ahead of me. I saw what I wanted, the black tee that had the four band members on it with the KISS logo in silver at the top, "ALIVE 35" across the bottom with the true claim of "living legends...1973-2009," underneath that and the tour dates on the back. Before that though, I had to endure a couple ahead of me that simply couldn't make up their minds about what they wanted. I was getting more and more impatient at these two as they looked at item after item. "Oh, I don't like that one," "That's too expensive," "Does this come in another colour?" I mean just get something already!!
Like I said, I had my mind made up before I even got there. You would think they could have done the same. I could see by the look on the merch guy's face that he was growing impatient as well. To add to my growing frustration was the fact that the woman spent the next three minutes looking for her money (after whining about the price, of course) I mean, what did they expect? It's a concert, of course things were going to be expensive! After those headache enablers left, I told the guy what I wanted (with *ahem*money in hand) got my $40.00 shirt and headed back to my seat.
On stage, they had the big curtain with the band logo on it. It was then that I thought I should get a picture of it. So, I take out my camera, got set to take my first picture of the evening, pressed the shutter button and...it shut off with the message across my view-finder, "change batteries." Yeah. Can you believe it? I go to a concert of my all-time favourite band, the band I grew up with and hadn't seen in over 12 years and the batteries in my camera die before I can even take my first picture. You could say I was a more than a little upset. I cursed my bad luck, as well as my own stupidity for not checking such a thing ahead of time. So no pictures of the night I had been waiting for the past six months (that was until we ran into a friend of ours after the show who took over 100 of his own that I "borrowed" off of his Facebook page and downloaded onto my own computer for printing later (whew!) You can see I reproduced a few of them here.
About 10 minutes later the lights finally dimmed, the crowed roared and a voice came over the house P.A. that millions of KISS fans long to hear:
"All right (insert name of city here) You wanted the best, you got the best. The hottest band in the world...KIIISSSSS!! And with that the curtain dropped, the pyro exploded and the boys slowly came down on their elevated platform to the opening salvo of "Deuce" (which I called, by the way. It's usually either Deuce, Let Me Go Rock'n'Roll or I believe Detroit Rock City)
Holly isn't the biggest KISS fan in the world (I was thinking originally, she better become one quick for a $138 ticket! But I brought her free of charge because she has done many, many things for me) and she sat the entire show ("I like being able to sit down and still see," she said) but she seemed to dig it. I stood for the greater majority singing to every song and enjoying every second of it. At least she didn't do this...
Usually this is where I would say "All in all, a pretty good show." No. It was great from start to finish. Definitely worth the price of admission. I would probably even pay more next time. Speaking of next time the boys said their first album in 12 years is due out in October and they'll be touring for that, too. Unfortunately, it won't be here, it will probably be over the bridge in Detroit. Yep, a whole 10 minutes away. What a hassle. That means I'll have to shell out about $150 bucks per ticket in American dollars. Yikes! But like I said, it'll be worth it.
Awesome show, awesome band.
KISS RULES, baby!!
Before I begin, I must speak on the whole "it's not really KISS without Ace Frehley and Peter Criss," stuff. Look, I agree that Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer perhaps should have donned new make-up and created new "characters," but it was a great show regardless. It had all the same elements that has made the KISS Army grow in the millions world-wide. Paul Stanley did his dancing around, Gene Simmons did his fire-breathing and blood-spitting, Thayer had a great solo (with rockets out of his guitar and all) and Singer impressed me with his 5-minute drum solo during 100,000 Years. So screw all that! It was unforgettable, at least to me.

On stage, they had the big curtain with the band logo on it. It was then that I thought I should get a picture of it. So, I take out my camera, got set to take my first picture of the evening, pressed the shutter button and...it shut off with the message across my view-finder, "change batteries." Yeah. Can you believe it? I go to a concert of my all-time favourite band, the band I grew up with and hadn't seen in over 12 years and the batteries in my camera die before I can even take my first picture. You could say I was a more than a little upset. I cursed my bad luck, as well as my own stupidity for not checking such a thing ahead of time. So no pictures of the night I had been waiting for the past six months (that was until we ran into a friend of ours after the show who took over 100 of his own that I "borrowed" off of his Facebook page and downloaded onto my own computer for printing later (whew!) You can see I reproduced a few of them here.

"All right (insert name of city here) You wanted the best, you got the best. The hottest band in the world...KIIISSSSS!! And with that the curtain dropped, the pyro exploded and the boys slowly came down on their elevated platform to the opening salvo of "Deuce" (which I called, by the way. It's usually either Deuce, Let Me Go Rock'n'Roll or I believe Detroit Rock City)
Holly isn't the biggest KISS fan in the world (I was thinking originally, she better become one quick for a $138 ticket! But I brought her free of charge because she has done many, many things for me) and she sat the entire show ("I like being able to sit down and still see," she said) but she seemed to dig it. I stood for the greater majority singing to every song and enjoying every second of it. At least she didn't do this...
Without going into detail about every tune (with a couple of exceptions) and how they totally rocked, here is the set list (not necessarily in this order-but pretty close)
Got To Choose (never heard this one live)
Hotter Than Hell
Nothin' To Lose
C'Mon And Love Me
She (Tommy's Solo)
100,000 Years (Eric's Drum Solo)
Cold Gin
Let Me Go Rock 'N' Roll
Black Diamond
Rock And Roll All Nite
This is where you can always tell who the first-time concert-goers are, because they leave before the encore. There's always an encore people! Well, unless of course you live in Springfield and you go to see Spinal Tap.
Got To Choose (never heard this one live)
Hotter Than Hell
Nothin' To Lose
C'Mon And Love Me
She (Tommy's Solo)
100,000 Years (Eric's Drum Solo)
Cold Gin
Let Me Go Rock 'N' Roll
Black Diamond
Rock And Roll All Nite
This is where you can always tell who the first-time concert-goers are, because they leave before the encore. There's always an encore people! Well, unless of course you live in Springfield and you go to see Spinal Tap.
Shout It Out Loud
Lick It Up (the 7-minute version due to Stanley's crowd-rousing) and I didn't expect this song, although for some reason I did expect Heaven's on Fire)I Love It Loud
I Was Made For Lovin' You (before they played it, Stanley said, "Some people didn't like this song when it first came out because you can dance to it. I don't care I like it" I agree. Although it is rather disco-ish, I still like it)Love Gun
Detroit Rock City
Awesome show, awesome band.
KISS RULES, baby!!
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