When I was watching Hannity & Colmes on the FOX News channel and I saw the ticker at the bottom of the screen say "professional wrestler Chris Benoit found dead with wife and son in Georgia home" I couldn't believe it. Two years ago, Eddie Guerrero died to me and the rest of the wrestling world's shock and surprise, now Benoit is gone. Apparently he killed his wife, Nancy ("Woman" of WCW fame) and their 7-year-old son, Daniel. Early reports are that Benoit poisoned them; his wife on Saturday, his son on Sunday and then he killed himself, early Monday morning.
I remember first seeing Benoit in Stampede Wrestling from Calgary, thinking that this guy is gonna be huge. Well, it only took 20 years,but he finally became a world champion at WrestleMania XX, defeating triple H and Shawn Michaels in a triple-threat match in the main event, the first time the "rabid wolverine" had ever headlined the Super Bowl of pro wrestling.
Benoit was without a doubt one of the top 5 technical wrestlers ever to step inside the squared circle and was one of two of THE best mat technicians in the last 10 years, the other being Kurt Angle. This is really unfortunate. On one hand Benoit entertained us for some 20-odd years with his superior skills and really gave the sport some real legitimacy. On the other hand, if all these reports that are coming out are true, then he was a psycho. We can't take away his in-ring legacy, but at the same time, how can you possibly escuse this? He just had to have snapped.
Although it's been two years since a major wrestling star has died, every time it happens I think that they're dropping like flies. Like everything else, these things always seem to happen in three's. This brings me to "Sensational" Sherri Martel. I didn't even know Martel had passed until I was surfing the net, trying to find more information on Benoit. I had no idea. She is another performer who has died from an overdose. At this time I have no idea from what. She had just been inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2006, an honor I questioned at first, but then I remembered how she used to annoy the hell out of me, showing how good she really was. Plus she did play an integral part in the rise to stardom of Shawn Michaels.
Two great talents dying just a few days apart, unbelievable. But, like I said, these things come in three's, so unfortunately, I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop.
UPDATE: Apparently, Benoit strangled his wife, smothered his son, then hanged himself.
Here's a preliminary report from the Citizen. And some more from Breitbart.com/AP
More info from a couple of emails sent to me:
The Associated Press is reporting that Chris Benoit is believed to have strangled his wife Nancy and smothered his son Daniel before hanging himself, citing a source close to the investigation.
Fayette County District Attorney Scott Ballard told The Associates Press that they are investigating what role, if any, steroids may have played in the incident, i.e "roid rage".
By: Bob Ryder
6/26/2007 12:54:44 PM
Nancy Benoit filed for divorce in May 2003 and claimed domestic abuse in her court filings. A petition seeking protection from domestic abuse said she was intimidated by threats of violence from her husband Chris Benoit.
A restraining order was issued on May 12, 2003 against Chris Benoit that barred him from the couple's then residence in Peachtree City. On August 19, 2003, Nancy Benoit filed to dismiss the divorce petition as well as the protective restraining order.
Friends close to the couple tell us that they had a very rocky relationship and would often have "blowups" that would lead to Chris Benoit leaving for a day or so to "cool off".
Sorry, I don't have the original source.
Another thing I'm wondering is, normally any performer that has an untimely passing is posthumously inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame the very next year, or when the next ceremony is held, such as in the case of Eddie Guerrero and Curt Hennig. However, due to the extenuating circumstances of his death (and that of his family) will he be eligible. As I much as I respected Benoit's ability in the ring, I'd have to say no. Even if it wasn't his "fault" due to his head not being right, because of this so-called "roid-rage". He shouldn't have been on the drug in the first place. But I'll bet dollars to donuts, he does get the nod.
More information here and here.
If it wasn't "roid rage" and given the "deliberation" as stated in the latter article, then his actions surely cannot be defended. Not that they could or should be anyways.
UPDATE: It's looking more and more like this guy was just another paranoid, domestic abuser. In short, he just may have been another piece of crap. It looks like the WWE concurs, as more information comes out, they're distancing themselves from this guy as much as possible, as they've removed any all "tributes" to him from their website along with all merchandise adorned with his likeness and rightfully so. Even Vince McMahon said that last night's taping of Smackdown! and ECW would make no mention of Benoit's name. Remember what I said about his Hall of Fame induction...well, forget that.
UPDATE: From the WWE website
Here's one final UPDATE until the official word is known. An interview with Bret Hart
And until we know all there is to know, here's the final word on the subject:
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