Saturday, June 5, 2010

Lord of the Rings v/s Star Wars

Here's some truth to power from Clerks 2. Although I do enjoy Lord of the Rings and Peter Jackson did one hell of a job, I gotta go with Randall on this one:

There's one thing Randall didn't mention; that without George Lucas and his innovative special effects of Industrial Light & Magic, LOTR wouldn't have been able to be told on the big screen. So there, LOTR geek guy!

And remember, there's only one "Return," and it's not "of the King," it's "of the Jedi."

And while I'm at it, this is for all you Trekkies out Shatner-loving Spock suckers!

Yay! Star Wars wins! That's what would happen you know.

Seriously though, I do like Star Trek. I thought the re-launch movie was awesome. But c'mon, you all know it doesn't hold a candle to Star Wars.


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