Monday, February 27, 2012

The Oscars: 2012 Edition

Ok, really. Other than Christopher Plummer finally winning an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, as for the rest of the Academy Awards (aka "Hollywood Elitist and Millionaires Patting Themselves on the Backs Night") Who cares?! Not only do these Tinseltown Bubble Elitists (TBE's) have absolutely no idea what goes on beyond their entourages and "Yesmen," besides what they're told and read in their gossip rags (assuming that they see their own names in it) but they make worse and worse movies year after year.

I can name a handful of actors that can actually act, but they usually stay out of the spotlight, so the attention then goes to other celebrities who Hollywood thinks we give a rat's ass about. And when we don't care, they try and tell us that we do. There's a reason why movies suck now and re-hashing television shows and now flicks based on board games isn't going to change that.

Hours and and hours of boring, "Look how great we are" television, telling people to go to the movies more while honoring movies no one knows or cares about isn't going to garner you ratings, fans or ticket sales. Here's a novel idea: Make better movies!! I know. What a concept, huh?

Anyway, if your interested for some reason as to who won these seemingly inconsequential statuettes, here's the run down.

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