At any rate, KISS has entered the RNRHOF. They're in about 14 years too late if you ask me. Seriously? Madonna, Jay-Z (don't even get me started on how rap artists are in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame), ABBA are in the HOF (all of them on their first try, or ballot) but KISS, who are the most successful American rock band in history with over 100 million albums sold, 40 years of longevity and an inspiration to thousands of rockers; famous or not, took an extra 14 years after eligibility? Criminal.
Another point-referred by a reader in the comments section of the following album ranking list-all this recent attention (could one say adulation?) to KISS is ironic given that "in the seventies,every mention of the band in Rolling Stone was short, contemptible and dismissive." In other words, the "selection committee" at the RNR Hall of Fame and especially those who are part of that committee from Rolling Stone magazine are still total jack-holes.
And another long-overdue accomplishment? KISS finally lands on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine. A long time coming. Of course, the interviews accompanying the article went fishing for dirty laundry between Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons and Ace Frehley and Peter Criss. Not surprising for a magazine and editor that gave the band absolutely no respect in the last 40, count 'em 40 years.
The fact that six other former and present members of the band are not being honored is a debate for another post. I'm just glad the original pioneers have rightfully, finally, been honored.
KISS, the hottest band in the world is finally in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Long live rock'n'roll.
The video quality is clearly not the best, but here are the boys words of acceptance upon receiving their awards.
Of course KISS was never intended to actually be inducted into the Hall. Afterall, it took 14 years to induct them. As you'll read in this piece from, the boys were treated like "uninvited guests," as Paul Stanley put it. In other words, they were unceremoniously treated like shit. Nothing less to be expected from a douche bag like Jann Wenner and his cronies.
Read the full transcripts of Tom Morello's induction speech and the acceptance speeches of the boys.
KISS Meets the Press after the induction ceremony:
In an unrelated story, KISS is also releasing a two-disk CD simply entitled KISS 40, another greatest hits compilation, although some unreleased material are on them such as demos, rehearsals and live performances. This goes along with the release of "KISSTERIA," a box set of their re-released vinyl catalog.